Every morning in Africa, an antelope wakes up. It knows it must outrun the fastest lion, or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest antelope, or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're the lion or an antelope -- when the sun comes up, you'd better be running. -African proverb

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Running Bonuses!

There are so many things that I love about running -- the feeling after a hard workout, spending time outdoors on beautiful trails, and hanging out with other runner friends.  But there are also the extra, sometimes hidden, bonuses of running -- the massages, yoga classes and spa days. Did I mention that these are a necessary part of running?!?  ;)

I'm on Spring Break this week, so I'm taking full advantage of my running bonuses.  I just started getting into yoga, and I love it so far!  My goal is to go at least once a week.  But since I had some free time this week, I went almost every day.  I've tried other yoga places in the past, but none of them were a good fit for me (obviously since I didn't stick with them).  My new yoga place is awesome!  The people are friendly, and the classes are perfect for me.  Not only do I get a ton of stretching in, but we also do lots of core and strength work.  If you're in the Reno area, I highly recommend Pure Yoga. Click here to visit the website.

I also got a massage this week.  I typically get one a month, but I splurged and started the week off with a bonus massage!  It was my post-50K massage, so it was necessary.  ;)

And, since I was ordered by my coach (Hi Will!) to go to the spa to fix my Achilles, I spent 3 days at the Peppermill spa this week.  I did my necessary hot/cold therapy.  But of course a trip to the spa isn't complete without some relaxation, pampering and lunch with friends.  So relaxing and fun!

All and all, I would rate my spring break as very productive.  I got all my necessary tasks done.  I could definitely get used to all these necessary tasks! ;)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Finally a Schedule! (At least a start to one ...)

It only took about 2 months, but I finally felt motivated to create a schedule and a plan for 2013.  I am going to try to stay local (or close by) this yearWorking full-time plus some has really cramped my racing lifestyle!  It's so much harder to get away for a weekend now. Plus, there are lots of great races in the Reno-Tahoe-Sac area I also want to do some shorter races for a while.  I love high mileage, but long, slow runs tend to make me a long, slow runner I need to add some strength to my endurance.  So, I'm starting off with the Reno 5000 half marathon and will most likely do this whole series (there are 3 races in all -- April, June & September).  Then I will sprinkle in some 5 & 10Ks here and there I have never run the Mom's on the Run Mother's Day 5K, so that's on my list I will also keep some old favorites on my schedule.  I got together another speedy team for the DeCelle Relay in June And, I love, love, love the 4th of July 10K in Kings Beach!  Big Blue Adventure puts on lots of awesome races, so I might have to take a closer look at their schedule and add a few more to mine.  Then there is Bizz Johnson in October, and of course, the Turkey Trot in November -- 2 more favorites Well, it's not written in stoneBut, at least it's a start.

April - Reno 5000 Half
May - Mom's on the Run 5K
June - DeCelle Relay & Reno 5000 Half
July - Kings Beach 10K
August -
September - Reno 5000 Half
October - Bizz Johnson 50K
November - Turkey Trot 10K
December -

There are some blanks that need to be filled in.  Any ideas?!?

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Way Too Cool is Still Way Cool!

I ran my first race of 2013 today -- the Way Too Cool 50KWhile I didn't have a specific time goal, I was hoping to run faster than I ran last year (5:15).  But, I didn't.  I ran s-l-o-w-e-r.  No excuses!  I just need to get in better shape for future races.  I also am nowhere near my ideal racing weight.  The diet starts tomorrow, though.  Having run 31 miles and eating nothing but a couple of GU packets for 5 hours and 29 minutes, I felt the beer and burger I had for linner (lunch/dinner) were well-deserved!  My running buddies (Michelle, Jenny, Cynthia, Annie & Katie) did awesome, though!  I am honored just to be able to run with such awesomeness.

The benefit to not running as fast as I had hoped is that I am more motivated to train now.  I am planning to switch gears a little, though, and focus on some shorter races.  I will definitely run another 50K.  I have to defend my title at Bizz in October!  Hope to see some awesomeness out there!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Happy March!

In like a lion ... not so much.  At least not around here.  I actually ran in shorts a few times this week!  Knowing Reno weather, that can and probably will change quickly.  Anyway -- Welcome March!

Only one more week until my next 50K!  This post is not about that, though.  This is my Karma & Kindness post #2.  

My good friend, Missy, is not only a very talented runner, but she also has a big heart.  She is running the LA marathon this month in support of The Epilepsy Therapy Project.  What a great way to raise awareness and help improve the lives of others!  Running a marathon makes you keenly aware of what you are capable of.  And, while you might not be feeling so lucky after mile 20, just imagine those who aren't able to run at all.  Thanks, Missy!  You rock!  Good luck in LA!

Anyone who wants to find out more about Missy's marathon and The Epilepsy Therapy Project click here

Well, that's it for now.  Short & sweet -- just like February

Missy blazing the trail!