Every morning in Africa, an antelope wakes up. It knows it must outrun the fastest lion, or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest antelope, or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're the lion or an antelope -- when the sun comes up, you'd better be running. -African proverb

Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 in Review

I love making New Year's resolutions (stay tuned for that post)!  But first, it's time to take a little trip down memory lane and remember the highlights of the past year.  Drumroll, please ...

Top 10 Running Events of 2011:  

10. Roommate Reunion Run   
2011 got off to a fun start!  My college roommates and I ran the Surf City half marathon in Newport Beach.  Not only was it my fastest half in a couple of years, but it was also fun reminiscing with my roomies!   

9. Ragnar & RTO Relays    

Run, Sleep?, Repeat.  Gotta love the 24-hour relays!  I was lucky enough to run on 2 teams last spring.  In April I ran the So Cal Ragnar.  Then I ran the RTO again last June.

8. Tahoe Trail Runs 

Summer took a turn for the best!  I ran some of the most challenging and scenic trails in Tahoe.  I met up with my new Tahoe running friends (see #2) almost every Sunday.  Rach and I also logged some amazing trail runs while we were camping at Nevada Beach.

7. Running Reads   

When I wasn't running, I was most likely reading about running.  Some of my favs were Born to Run and Mile Markers.  I have since added Leadville and Austin to my places to run someday!

6. Book Idea

My book idea was set in motion last spring. After being inspired by Kristin Armstrong (see #7), I started to put some ideas down on paper.  It's far from complete, but someday you might see my name on the shelves of Barnes & Noble!

5. Winning the Big Blue Trail Series 

Consistency is the key!  I only won one Big Blue race (the Emerald Bay Trail Race), but consistently placing in the top 5 landed me a new pair of Salomon trail runners!  But winning isn't everything. ;) I love the Big Blue races!  They are low-key, and the venues can't be beat!

4. 100 Mile Week

Before moving up to my new age group, I completed the challenge of running 100 miles in a week.  We (Thanks for joining me, Karla!) watched my Garmin log 100 miles after an easy 10-miler on the morning of my 40th birthday.  Then we celebrated with a spa day!

3. Half marathon & 5K PRs 

Last fall was very inspiring!  Not only did I PR back-to-back in the half (Bizz & WHM), but I also ran under 22 minutes (also a PR) in the 5K a couple of times (September race & Trick or Treat race).

2. New Running Buddies 

Running loves company, and the Reno running community rocks!  I am so grateful for the new running friends that I made throughout the year.

1. My Blog 

I never thought of becoming a blogger.  Thanks to the WHM for recruiting me and helping me get started!  I have enjoyed it more than I ever imagined and look forward to many more posts.

 Well, that's about it for 2011!  Here's to a fun (and fast) 2012! 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Need a last minute stocking stuffer for a running buddy?  I highly recommend Running the Edge by Adam Goucher and Tim Catalano.


I just started it and love it already!  The dedication page alone hooked me!  It's more than a book; it's a project -- for running and life.  It makes me want to just sit by the fireplace and read all day -- after a nice long run, of course!  But, I am pacing myself because I don't want it to end.

May your Christmas be merry and bright! 
And may you run with heart and might!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Cool News!

Looks like I'll be able to cross another running challenge off my list soon!  I got in to the Way Too Cool 50K! 


Not quite sure how to train for an ultra ...  Just happy to have friends in the same boat -- or on the same trail!  Looking forward to lots of miles with Vicky, Liz, Suzy, Nicole, Christy and anyone else who wants to join us!

If anyone has any ultra tips, please send them my way!  Thanks!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Red-Nosed Fun Run

This was truly a "fun" run for me.  I ran hard the day before (17.7 miles @ 8:15 pace), so I had no intention of racing.  Plus, I showed up about 5 minutes late!  It was still fun just being out there with friends and getting a nice little recovery run in.  The swag was very festive, too!  Check out the ornament everyone received. 

           Reno Running Company scores again!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Trot Time!

Happy Thanksgiving!  I love the Turkey Trot!  Running on a holiday is always extra special.  The weather was much warmer this year, so the field was full (and then some).  It was so fun to start the day with the awesome Reno running community!  RTO was represented -- nice job, Eric!  The Reno Running Company pushed the pace -- way to go Aimee & Matt!  It was nice to see some R5K and NSET peeps out there too -- hi Theresa, Sam, Christy, Ashley!  Then there were the usual suspects -- great running, Lynni, Michelle, Jenny & Kathy!  I'm not sure what I enjoy more -- running the race or just hanging out with my running buddies afterwards.  Cheers to a great Thanksgiving weekend!


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Let it Snow!

First snowy run since last winter!  It was pretty, but I wasn't as prepared as I should have been.  A hat and better socks were needed.  Caught me off guard, I guess.  It was a great run anyway!  Aimee and Laura know how to pick up the pace (and keep it there)!  And the Reno Running Company knows how to host a fun event.  Looking forward to the grand opening race!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What's Next?

I started this blog as a favor to WHM.  That race is over (it was awesome!).  But if you know me, you know that there are many more to come!  I have enjoyed blogging, so I plan to continue.  You might notice a few changes to the blog as I continue.  Hopefully you'll continue with me!

Happy Reading & Running!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Race Review & Re-Cap

WHM rocks!  What an awesome weekend!  The venue was perfect -- great weather and a fun course.  It always helps to run well, too!  I finished in 1:36.  Barely, but I was ready to dive across the finish line in order to get that 1:36!  7th in my age group and 47th overall.

It was fun seeing some old friends and also some blog followers -- thanks for all your support!

Everything else went very smoothly, too.  Got a cute t-shirt at the expo.  Had some good eats at some familiar places.  Did a little shopping.  Only a little, though.  I think we were too tired to do much more!  And, just hung out with some great friends! 

Looking forward to the next one!  Who's in?!?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Getting close!

So excited about the race this weekend!  Travel plans have been confirmed.  And, I have started thinking about things to do while we are there.  It's so fun visiting a place where I used to live.  I get to meet up with old friends, plus it's easy to get around since it is familiar.  Hopefully it's a lot warmer in Scottsdale than it has been in Reno lately, too!

Only 3 more days!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Taper Time!

Only one week to go!  Tapering is in full effect -- run less, rest more!  It seems so counterintuitive.  I've built up this fitness level, and now I can't use it.  But, apparently (according to the experts) tapering is important. 
Extra rest = repaired and replenished muscles = optimal condition next weekend.

In addition to ensuring adequate rest (and maybe even a little extra rest), this is also the week to modify nutrition and prepare mentally.  Time to gather up all my running books and get cozy on the couch!  Let the tapering begin!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Reno 5000 Race Series

The invention of the series is genius!  I am always attracted to series races, as are many other runners.  I love the idea of trying to get faster each time.  I also love seeing familiar faces at these races.  The championship race of the Reno 5000 series took place today.  It wasn't my best race (last month's race was my best), but it wasn't bad either.  I ran a 22:20 (unofficially) -- got 3rd in my age group and 2nd in the overall series.  As I reflect back, I can think of a few reasons why I didn't PR today.  This month the race was at 10 am (instead of the usual 8 am).  My achilles has been extra sore lately.  I also think I "settled" into position early on and just stayed there.  (This is common when you race with the same people all the time.)  But, I think the biggest problem was nerves, and my stomach could feel those nerves!  I wasn't nearly as relaxed as I was last month.  So, now I have something to work on for the next race!

Anyway -- I am happy with how the series turned out overall.  I have a new 5K PR, and I met some great new running buddies!  I'm looking forward to this series again next spring, and I would love to participate in other series races.  Let me know if you have any ideas/suggestions!  Thanks!  :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Long Live the Long Run!

It seems like the Scottsdale WHM is still a ways away.  But, not in training time!   I logged my last long run today.  20 miles is a little longer than I would normally go just for a half, but I was running with friends who are training for a full.  My new motto is train for a full, race a half.  Not really sure how that will change when I start training for a full!

Anyway -- gotta love the long run!  When I first started training for marathons, I followed the schedule to a tee.  I didn't stray from the plan, especially when it came to the long run.  Now, I just "run long" at least one day a week (usually on the weekend).  "Run long" used to mean anything over 10 miles.  That number is gradually increasing, though.  Now it's more like anything over 13.  I'm not really sure why I enjoy running farther and farther these days ... We should start a pool on when it's going to go up again!  Any takers?

Monday, October 10, 2011

RBFs = Running Buddies Forever

I had such a fun weekend!  A couple of running buddies picked me up at dark o'clock on Saturday morning, and we drove about an hour and a half to an awesome trail race.  It was the perfect venue for racing -- great weather and beautiful scenery.  It always feels good to run well and beat your goal with minutes to spare!

The rest of the weekend was just as much fun.  I stayed to support my running buddies who were running the next day.  I usually race on Sunday and have to leave soon after I finish to get back home.  It was so fun to race on Saturday and then be on vacation the rest of the weekend. Plus, I really enjoyed supporting my other running buddies.  After we dropped them off at the start, we stopped at various spots along the route to cheer them on, hand them water or Gu, grab their jackets and extra clothing, etc.

Hanging out at the finish was like being at a running party.  I ran into some old running buddies that I didn't know would be there, and I met some great new running buddies.  Running really is more of a team sport, I think!


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fall Fun!

Happy October!  Fall seems to be the preferred season of a lot of runners.  I like fall -- it's pretty, and there are lots of fun races this time of year.  But, I miss summer already ... 

With some important races coming up, it's time to cut-back on the mileage a little.  Need to embrace a little R&R and stay healthy!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Giving Back

vol-un-teer  v.   to give on one's own initiative.

Think about all the races that you have run.  Now think about all the ones you have volunteered at.  How close is that number?  Not to worry -- mine's not close either.  But ... the ratio is improving at least!  I would much rather run a race, but I have found some significance to volunteering at them too.  Besides the obvious of feeling good about doing good, there are other benefits to volunteering. 

As a volunteer, I get a chance to see the winners (which doesn't happen often in a race unless it's an out and back).  I watch what they do hoping to pick up a few more tricks of the trade.  For instance, one of my weak spots is fueling during a race.  First of all, I probably don't fuel enough -- but that is a topic for a whole other post!  But, I also have a hard time fueling while running.  I have to slow down quite a bit at the aid stations, especially if I am going to try to drink something.  So, I thought I would volunteer at an aid station during a race.  That way I could watch what the winners and other super fast runners do.  They don't seem to slow down at all.  Just grab the cup, pinch and pour.  I also noticed that not all of it gets into their mouths.  :) 

Anyway -- the point is volunteering is a great learning experience.  You get a behind the scenes look at how things are done.  I started recommending this to friends who want to try something new, like a triathlon.  I suggested they go volunteer at one before competing so that they can see how everything works.  Another advantage is that sometimes race directors will give race credit in exchange for volunteer hours.  This is helpful on the wallet!

We all know that volunteers are a key component to a well-run (excuse the pun) race.  Like anything else, you'll have a deeper appreciation and better understanding of what goes into putting on a race once you have put yourself in their running shoes.  So, when you start scheduling your races for the year, don't forget to add a few to volunteer at as well!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Destination Races

Did you hear?!?  WHM has added another location. Let's hear it for Bloomington, MN!  Whoo-hoo!  I love destination races. It is so fun to run in cool, new places.  Plus, I really like the idea of getting some running buddies together and planning a girls trip.  I have so many groovy memories of race weekends.  I'll never forget the hotel fiasco in Phoenix -- or the introduction of Fa Strunner in Monterey -- or drawing on the little bus in San Francisco -- or jammin to Tiao Cruz on the way to Napa -- just to name a few.  Such fun times!

And, there are so many more races to run, places to visit, and memories to make!  St. Petersburg, Austin, New York, Nashville, St. George, Outer Banks, Chicago are on the top of my list.  What's on your running bucket list?

Friday, September 23, 2011

All Heart

At a running club fundraiser last weekend, a friend (Hi Ali!) asked how I keep motivated to run so much.  So many thoughts went through my mind -- the awesome taste of Gu, the acquired calluses on my feet, bonking ...  Ha ha!  Just kidding!  I actually didn't know how to answer her except that I just love it.  There is something so worthwhile about starting each day with a run.  Even if I am just going out for a few miles, it is worth getting up and going.  I love how running makes me feel.  I feel much more alert and motivated when I get back from a run -- ready for a productive day.  Not to mention, I sometimes get back from running before a lot of people even get up.  Running seems to buy me bonus hours each day.  I also feel like my metabolism is up after a run.  I could eat a doughnut, but one healthy choice often leads to another.  It only seems right to eat a healthy breakfast after a good run.  My mood is also elevated after a good run, which is very helpful on school days when time is of the essence.  Then there are the physical and social benefits of running.  I like feeling strong and fit, and I get to spend some quality time with friends.  What is there to not love about running?!?  Running rocks!  Period.  Or maybe exclamation point.  ;)

P.S.  It is also helpful to have a race on the calendar -- like the WHM!  :) 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

What a Feeling!

It's amazing how good a PR can feel!  You would think that because you pushed yourself as hard as you ever have (until now) that you would be exhausted and worn-out.  But the emotional part of a PR seems to overcome everything physical, and this elated feeling takes over.  I love what a PR does to my attitude!  The speeding ticket that I got on my way to my race isn't such a big deal now.  ;) 

Speaking of attitude ... Now that I think about it, it is sort of like the chicken and egg -- what came first?  I think attitude plays a major role in achieving that PR.  As I was reflecting on my race this morning trying to figure out what I did differently, I think the main difference was my attitude going into the race.  I wasn't as nervous, and the race was fun!

So, what do you think came first?  The good attitude and then the PR?  Or, the PR and then the good attitude?  I'll take either way.  Just keep 'em coming!  :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Running in Reno

I am always raving about how great Tahoe is, but I need to give Reno its props too.  This weekend was the Great Balloon Race in Reno.  There's something magical about a sky filled with 100 + hot balloons.  Here is a partial view from this morning's trail run.

This was actually one time I wish I wasn't running on a trail.  It was hard to look up and enjoy the fantastic views.  Speaking of which, I actually did fall on my run this morning.  I would like to say it was because I was eye-ing the sky, but we were going the opposite direction (the balloons were behind us).  I'll just blame it on the balloons, though -- okay, Liz?!? ;)  Luckily my water bottle caught my fall, and nothing even touched the ground except my right index finger.

Anyway -- the Reno-Tahoe area has a lot to offer.  I have really enjoyed living and running here the past 4 years and often wonder what took us so long to move up here.  If you don't live around here, you should consider visiting someday.  Let me know and I'll recommend some great runs!

Let Freedom Ring!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I have never been very flexible.  When I was little, lots of my friends could pull their heads down to their knees while keeping their legs straight.  Not me!  Flexibility -- at least the muscular kind -- is not one of my strengths.  I am working on it, though.  I try to squeeze in some stretching and rolling after every run.  It's hard to figure out why stretching is such a chore.   It's not like it is particularly hard or painful.  But, I pretty much have to force myself to do it.  I also try to go to yoga once a week.  I go to Bikram yoga (aka hot yoga).  I was pretty consistent before summer started.  Now I'm trying to get back into it.  I am still trying to decide if I like it or not.  I think I will like how it relates to running once I have gone consistently.  We'll see how it goes the next time I roll out my mat ...  Stay tuned!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A New Season

Although it is not officially fall yet, it is the beginning of the school year.  As an instructor and a mom of a second grader, this marks the start of a new season.  With the new season, comes a new schedule.  My weekly mileage has increased, but I like it!  I worked hard to build a strong base this summer, and I feel like I can handle it.  I love that 10 miles doesn't feel "long" anymore.  Maybe there is an ultra in my future afterall ...

Sunday, August 28, 2011


My husband went out of town this weekend (guys camping trip), so I wasn't able to run.  It really got to me.  I had 4 amazing running opportunities, and I had to turn them all down.  I tried looking on the bright side ... It's easier to turn them all down instead of trying to pick one (or two) to run was my first thought. Then I tried to convince myself that I "needed" the extra rest.  I ran 12 days in a row, plus my left achilles has been nagging me a little.  Yeah, right!  I would have run both days this weekend, if I could have!  Needless to say, it was a very productive weekend.  It's amazing how much more you can get done in a day when you aren't out running for hours.  Plus, I had fun hanging out with my son, Jackers.  :)

Anyway -- since I couldn't run, I read about running.  I came across this fun article, How Running Can Help You Build a Better Password, in RW Daily that I could totally relate to.  Since I teach for 4 different colleges, I have 4 different work email addresses -- which means a variety of passwords.  I get a little frustrated when I have to change my password (sometimes every 90 days).  And, it's even more frustrating when special requirements are put on those passwords -- a capital letter, a number, a special character, etc.  I actually have to write my passwords down now.  That sounds secure, doesn't it?!?  And, sometimes I have to come up with a new password on the spot.  It's not always easy to come up with something that is meaningful enough to be remembered but different from my last password.  This article has the solution, though!

In a nutshell (excuse the pun -- when you check out the link, look at the picture), you choose passwords based on your running stories/experiences.  Think of a story and then choose 3 important words from that story.  Voila!  Your new password!

So, I'm thinking maybe PRs (to get the number component) or desired PRs?  Similar to visualization, hopefully you'll connect to that number.  So when you need a new password, think about your next race and what your goal is.  I don't suggest too many weekends off, though.  ;)

Check out the article at the link below:


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Going Solo

I love running with friends.  But every once in a while something comes up, and I end up pounding the pavement by myself.  That's what happened this morning.  My Tuesday running buddy couldn't make it, so I went solo.  I slept a little longer (which was much needed).  Then I clicked on my iPod shuffle (which is a little out-dated since it is rarely used).  And, I was off and running -- alone with my thoughts. 

Since the fall semester is right around the corner, my classes consume most of my thoughts right now.  So, while my run this morning was a little lonely, it was very productive.  I got the first half of the semester figured out!  Maybe I should have run a little longer?!? ;)

I think I'll have the rest of the semester figured out, for the most part, very soon.  So, I look forward to our Friday run, Rach!  :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

I'm Dreaming of an Endless Summer

Summer is winding down ... Not only is school about to start again, but you can feel the change in the weather and season.  Long sleeves and headlamps are a necessity again.  I usually look forward to the start of a new season or other new beginning; I like to make new goals and schedules.  But it's different this time around.  I've had such a fun summer, especially in regards to running -- I just don't want it to end!

Reflecting back over the summer, I feel like I have accomplished a lot.  I've made some great new running friends, logged more miles than usual, read some inspirational running books, covered various parts of the Tahoe Rim Trail, started this blog, volunteered at some races, and feel really good!  Don't pinch me -- let the dreams continue!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New Shoes! Whoo-hoo!

I treated myself to a new pair of trails shoes today!  I read Born to Run (and loved it!), so I've joined the minimalist movement.  I haven't completely converted to the barefoot, vibram-soled shoes.  I've been wearing the Nike Frees and the Saucony Kinvaras.  Both are great shoes, but I think I could use a better pair for trails.  My Kinvaras have gotten ripped up on the nylon-y part on top, and my Frees lack traction.  So, I went back to an old favorite -- New Balance.  I almost went with the vibram soles.  But summer is coming to an end, which means my time on the trails is dwindling.  I figured a shoe that could handle long runs on both the streets and the trails would be a smarter purchase.  I settled on the NB 101 Trail shoe.  Check them out below.  So excited to try out my new kicks!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Worthwhile Work

I celebrated my 10th wedding anniversary last week. (Love you, Dave!)  When I mentioned this to a friend (Hi Karla!) while running, she asked "So what have you learned ... about marriage?"  Off the top of my head, I said that marriage is work, but well worth it!  And then, of course, I quickly added that it is just like running!  :)

Running is work.  Sometimes it's hard work.  But to me, it is so worth it.  I feel so much better, physically and mentally, after a good run.  I honestly can't think of a time when I got back from a run and wish that I hadn't gone.  Usually it's the other way around.  The daily 4:30 am alarm sometimes isn't enough, and I need some extra motivation to actually get out of bed.  I just remind myself how good I'll feel after my run and how glad I'll be that I did get up and go.  Sometimes I also add the possibility of catching a nap later, too!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Heart or Might?

When I came up with the name for this blog I was obviously trying to incorporate WHM into it, but I also had it in the back of my head that I would label each entry as either "heart" or "might" depending on the theme of the post.  It hasn't been as easy as I thought it would be, though, to determine which label to use.  It seems like every run/workout has a little bit of heart in it and a little bit of might in it, too. 

Except speed workouts!

Those are all might -- at least for me.  I would love for there to be a little heart in them, too, but I am just not there yet.  It takes a lot of might to get through these workouts and to diminish the negative left-brain thoughts.  Running hard is uncomfortable -- even painful.   I have read that the key is to learn to relax rather than fight it.  Notice the word "read" in that last sentence.  I haven't experienced it personally yet -- still working on that.  If anyone has any other thoughts or tips on how to relax during mile repeats or any other kind of speed workout, please send them my way!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Gear Bag

I got a new running toy in the mail the other day -- my new Nathan hydration pack!  I love it!  It holds 2 liters of water (my handheld hasn't been enough lately), plus it has lots of extra pockets.  It is perfect for long trail runs in Tahoe. 

So ... it's time to talk shopping!  Every girl's favorite thing, right?  Not so much me, though.  I think I was born without the shopping gene.  I love running stuff, but I just don't get into clothes all that much. As you can see by my pictures, I run naked.  Just kidding!  You were about to scroll down to check, though, weren't you?!?  ;)  Anyway -- I usually just wear a race shirt and the same old shorts.  I'm the kind of shopper who buys multiples of the same item. (I have 2 pairs of the same blue shorts and 2 pairs of the same black shorts, etc.)

I know there are all kinds of cute running clothes out there -- Lucy, Lululemon, Athleta.  I'm just not the dress-up type.  I prefer jeans and a t-shirt when I am not running, too.  The funny thing is I love to look at stuff.  I flip through all the catalogs that fill my mailbox -- Title Nine, Athleta, etc.  I even fill my shopping cart (online).  But, I rarely buy anything.  Maybe the price tag gets to me?  Really, $68 for a running top?!  Or the fact that I can't try on the items and then would have to ship them back if I didn't like them ...  Or maybe I just need some advice from people who do have the shopping gene and like to shop? 

So, it's your turn to share.  
What are some of your favorite running items?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Moutains Majesty!

Running in Tahoe = lots of mountain running!  Running up for miles, at an already high altitude, is not particularly easy.   But you are rewarded for all your hard work with fields full of wild flowers and spectacular views of Tahoe!  And, of course, there's the fun downhill part and maybe even some re-fueling treats from the Tahoe House when you're done!  I feel so lucky that these terrific Tahoe trails are right out my backdoor.  

This weekend I ran two mountain trail runs.  On Saturday I ran the Squaw Mountain run.  You climb over 2000 feet in just 3.6 miles.  In other words, you run up the face of the mountain to the top!  I also ran on the Tahoe Rim Trail with some friends on Sunday morning.  We ran up to Twin Peaks.  The climb was a little gentler because it was spread out over more miles.  Both were very challenging runs.  But I feel stronger and so grateful to be able to experience such a beautiful place!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Speed Workouts = Success!

It was a hard day at the track.  The workout itself was brutal (5-mile time trial with the first 5K run at a PR).  And, the heat made it so much more fun!  I think it was over 90 degrees when we started!  I got through it, though, and feel really good.  Tired, but good!  The lemon blueberry scones afterwards also contributed to the mood-boost. (Thanks, Shanna!)

I am convinced that speed workouts are a key component to improving your times.  And, having a team or group to train with is a key component to successful speed workouts.  The help that you receive from the group with pacing and motivation is invaluable.  This one's for you, R5K racing team!  You all rock!

Monday, August 1, 2011

August Training

I am going to start with a disclaimer.  I like to log a lot of miles each week.  The more mileage, the better -- for me.  I like to go long on both Saturday and Sunday during the summer.  The trails in Tahoe are amazing, and I want to run as many miles on them as I can!  Plus, the summers are short, so you need to cram in whatever you can when you can.  I have been told by many intelligent people that rest is good; I just nod politely.  I usually just take one day off a week, if that.  There is no such thing as "junk" miles in my book.  Every run has some value to me.  My training schedule is a combination of plans from various "experts" and what works for me.  The calendar is just an overview of what I hope to accomplish this month -- give or take a mile or two.

Training for Life

I love to race, so I usually have a few races on the calendar or at least on my running radar.  But even if I am not training for a specific race, I am still training.  Training for life.  When I was running my 100 mile week, people often asked what I was training for.  I told them that I was training to turn 40! (The 100th mile was completed on my 40th birthday.)  Not only does running keep you physically prepared for whatever life throws at you, but you also get the added bonus of mental and emotional training.  It seems like my running friends and I are always solving the world's problems as we run!

Kristin Armstrong mentions something similar in her book, Mile Markers, when she quotes Oswald Chambers, "Preparation is not suddenly accomplished, it is a process steadily maintained."

There is no "done" when it comes to running.  I do like to follow a training plan for specific races, but I am always going to be running and training for life. 

Sunday, July 31, 2011

By Way of Introduction ...

I love everything about running!  I love running in any kind of weather, alone or with friends, for fitness and just for fun.  I love reading about running, scheduling and planning for races, shopping for running shoes and other running stuff.  Running has been an integral part of my life for over 25 years.  I really wouldn't be me without it.

I also enjoy writing, so here is my attempt to combine both passions.  I am hoping that this blog might be a stepping stone to something bigger someday.  I wish I could say I had some magic running tricks up my sleeve to share, but this is just about sharing.  Sharing about running.  This particular blog is designed specifically for the Women's Half Marathon in Scottsdale, AZ.  My hope is that my experiences during this 3-month journey leave a little mark on your heart or sole (or both).

I am lucky enough to have a super supportive husband and an equally encouraging son, who cheer me on.  I am also lucky enough to love my job.  I am a college professor.

That's pretty much me.  I am a wife and mom.  I am a teacher.  And, I am a runner.