Every morning in Africa, an antelope wakes up. It knows it must outrun the fastest lion, or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest antelope, or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're the lion or an antelope -- when the sun comes up, you'd better be running. -African proverb

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Running Camp!

I've got 3 relays in a row coming up -- the RTO, the Mud Run and the DeCelle Relay.  Lots of running and so much fun!  It reminds me being at running camp when I was younger.  We would run, eat, hang out, run, eat, sleep, run.  Did I mention that we would run? ;)

Besides running in some amazing places (Tahoe & San Diego -- it doesn't get better than that!), I get to spend lots of time with some great people! I'm running the RTO with last year's team. Go Wild Women on the RunI'm running the Mud Run with my nephews.  And, my DeCelle Relay team is not only super speedy but also lots of fun!  It's a perfect start to summer!

Speaking of running camps, I have my eye on a few.  I would love to do one of the ZAP fitness camps, one of the ultra running camps with irunfar, or one of the McMillan camps, just to name a few.  (Need a gift idea, Dave?  Hint, hint)

I also thought it would be fun to organize my own informal running camp.  We could head out to Mill Valley area and run around Mount Tam.  In between runs we could hit up Lululemon, Athleta, Title Nine and the Sports Basement.  Let me know if you want to join in on all the fun!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

All in the Attitude (or in my case, the Altitude)!

Running is like golf in the sense that it only takes one good shot or one good drive -- the kind that feels good, sounds good and looks good -- to keep you coming back.  It just takes one good race to motivate you to register for another one.  Unfortunately, the opposite can also be true.  One bad race can make you swear off running forever (or at least for a long time). 

I had higher hopes for my 50K this morning.  Mission was not accomplished.  I finished (although I contemplated finding an alternative way to the finish at various points).  I ran it in 6:22, which is a respectable time.  I actually didn't have a time goal for this race since I have never run it before.  But I would have liked to have felt better about the race.  I can blame it on a number of factors:

   1. I race too much.
  2. It was a stressful week.
  3. My water bottle broke.
  4. I race too much. ;)

But it really comes down to one thing.  The left side of my brain (the analytical side) got the best of me.

I am not a hill runner.  I love going downhill, but that's the only reason I put up with the uphill parts.  This race had a lot of hard climbs.  Sandy Hill (or Hell) is probably the hardest climb I have ever encountered.  It made me an unhappy camper; it broke my spirit.  And it won today.  It was all downhill from there, literally.  But, I had a hard time even enjoying the downhill parts because of my attitude.  I attempted to change it around a few times and get back in the race, so-to-speak.  But I just keep hitting it into the sandDun, dun, dun ...  (Click to hear the drama effect.)

Well, I've owned up.  Now it's time to buck up and chalk this one up to a learning experience.  (More ups -- ugh!)  If I ever run this race again (Look, Michelle, I changed it to if instead of never!), I know what to do differently.  This is not the end-all race.  Or even the end-all 50K.  Sometimes an unaccomplished race just makes you hungrier for the next adventure!  Look out!

A quick shout out to my running buddies who did awesome today!  Way to go, Jenny, Liz, Steve, Jim & Katie!  And all the half-marathoners!

And, thanks to John Trent and his crew for putting on a very well-run race!  Cheers!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Two Hour PR!

Second annual 100-mile week is in the books!  And, I ran it 2 hours faster this year!  I only ran about 15 miles by myself, too -- thanks to Liz, Rach, Abby, Aimee, Karla, Jenny, Michelle, Theresa and Olivia!  You all rock!  It also helped that the Rock-n-River marathon was during my 100-mile week.  Sunday's 17 miles went by fast (literally) since I was cheering and pacing for friends.  A quick shout-out to all my running buddies who met their goal in that race.  Way to go! 

Here's this year's watch:

Going for sub-14 hours next year!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A New Tradition

I love traditions, especially ones that involve running!  Last year I decided to conquer a 100-mile week in honor of moving up to my new age group.  Well, it's that time of the year again!  I started my 2nd 100-mile week on May 1.  So far, so good!  I love that it's become an annual event.  Plus, it's great training for my upcoming 50K

Here's last year's watch.  I ran the 100 miles in 16:32.  Faster this year?  Hopefully!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Go Ducks!

I became a University of Oregon fan this past weekend.  Loved, loved, loved the Eugene half marathon!  College towns are so much fun, especially those that embrace running like Eugene does.  Everything was perfect -- the course, the weather, the fans.  It was a great weekend!  Not only did I get to run an awesome race and land a new PR (slight, but still a PR), I also got to hang out with one of my favorite running buddies, Cara, and my newest running buddy, Katie.  Next time we need to make the trip longer, though, so we can rest up before hitting the outlets!

I also came up with a new tradition.  I brought Reno Running Company shirts for both Cara and Katie.  And, Cara gave me a Shu's Idaho Running Company shirt (she's from Boise).   I am hoping to add to my new collection each time I go somewhere new to race.  Better stock up, Aimee!  ;)
Back to the race ...                                                        
Here are my stats:
  • finished in 1:36:25
  • 197/3719 overall
  • 45/2416 women
  • 5/297 age group
Overall, I am happy with my race, but not completely satisfied.  A sub-135 is next on my goal list.  Just need to find a good race!  Any ideas?

Until soon, Sportsfans ...