Every morning in Africa, an antelope wakes up. It knows it must outrun the fastest lion, or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest antelope, or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're the lion or an antelope -- when the sun comes up, you'd better be running. -African proverb

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Fun in the Sun! Karma & Kindness Post #4

This Karma & Kindness post is dedicated to my friends, Tara, Jason & Jacob.

Today was such a fun day! My family and I went down to Gardnerville to support Team Jacob in the FEAT 5K walk. We met up with some friends from my racing team and enjoyed the beautiful weather as we walked in support of FEAT (click here for more info on FEAT).  We worked up quite a thirst, so we topped the afternoon off with some margaritas! Shirley Temples for the kiddos, of course!   Such a great day -- thanks, Tara & Jason!

The whole gang

Jacob & Jackers


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Updated Race Schedule

If you've been following along, you might have noticed that I'm working hard to catch up on my April happenings!

I was supposed to run the Reno 5000 half marathon today.  But, I really don't want to end up like Kobe Bryant (click here if you don't follow basketball) -- ouch!  So, I decided to officially put myself on the DL (disabled list for those who don't follow baseball).  My left achilles is still literally my Achilles' heel (my weak spot for those who aren't up on Greek mythology).  It's more than a nag now; it's a pain!

Even though I didn't race today, I was still able to be a part of this super fun event by helping out at the Mile 6 aid station.  It was so fun to cheer on the runners, especially since most of them had their names on their bibs.  Great idea, Will & Shanna

As you can see, it was a beautiful day!  Perfect racing conditions!  And we were ready for thirsty runners.

Thanks again to the Dolan Automotive Group for the awesome support!

Lucky for us we got to practice our H2O hand-offs!

Also, congrats to all the runners!

Back to my race schedule ... to avoid a serious achilles injury, I am going to take it easy for a while The rest of this month will be all about recovery -- easy running, icing, and stretching.  My plan is to be good to go for my June races.  I've got my work cut-out for me!

New & Improved Schedule:

April - Reno 5000 Half
May - Mom's on the Run 5K
June - DeCelle Relay
& Reno 5000 Half
July - Kings Beach 10K
August – New Reno 10-miler!
September - Reno 5000 Half
October - Bizz Johnson 50K & Trick-or-Treat 5K
November - Turkey Trot 10K

One last thing ... if you haven't ever volunteered at a race before, I highly recommend it.  It's way fun Plus, it feels good to give back!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Joy of Pacing

Last weekend I was lucky enough to run along this beautiful trail (below) as I paced my friend, Annie, during the AR 50.  As I mentioned in a few of last year's posts (click here, here, and here), pacing is a great introduction to ultras.  You get all the benefits: amazing aid stations & pristine trails, but none of the pressure.  Definitely my kind of race! 

This was Annie's race, though, and she did awesome!  Her 8:11 finish made her the 10th female overall.  Way to go, Annie!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Karma & Kindness Post #3

This Karma & Kindness post is dedicated to my amazing friend, Karen. She is on a mission to help find cures and more effective treatments for blood cancers. To accomplish that mission, Karen's running the Nike Women's Half Marathon in D.C. on April 28, 2013 as a member of The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Team In Training.  Thanks, Karen, for all that you do!  You have a heart of gold!

Here is Karen and her pal, Cooper.  They are fighting cancer together.  Please consider donating with me.

Welcome, Melanie -- a guest blogger!

Hey Running Buddies!  I wanted to introduce you to my first guest blogger, Melanie Bowen.  She is passionate about sharing information on preventing cancer.  Please see her article below.

Cancer and Fitness: The Link Goes Deeper Than you Think

By now, almost everyone understands that there is at least some connection between cancer and fitness. However, most people grossly underestimate how deep this connection goes. When it comes to preventing and fighting cancer, fitness is one of the most powerful tools patients have at their disposal. Here are some of the ways that research has shown a strong link between fitness and better odds against cancer.

Avoiding Cancer

The first studies conducted about the link between cancer and fitness showed that there was a strong connection between high levels of fitness and low rates of cancer. However, many researchers believed that this link was due to higher rates of obesity among those who did not exercise, which has long been known to increase the odds of developing cancer. Later studies controlled for weight, and the link still remained. Because of this, doctors are advising their patients to view fitness as a contributor to cancer prevention efforts.

Fighting Cancer

Exercising while undergoing chemotherapy and other cancer treatments is difficult, but studies have shown that those who engage in light forms of exercise tend to handle their treatments better. In addition, those who enter treatment with high levels of physical fitness will be better able to deal with decreased appetite, fatigue and other side effects of chemotherapy. When it comes to fighting cancer, high levels of fitness are a great way to improve your outcome.

Recovering From Cancer

Studies have also shown that those who resume exercise as quickly as possible recover from cancer treatments faster than those who do not. While it will take time before you can resume your old exercise routine, performing light exercise as soon as possible can help. In addition, the preventative effects of fitness on cancer remain even after you have been diagnosed, and those who begin to exercise soon after treatment has ceased are less likely to develop cancer again in the future. Recovery will be difficult, but fitness can help.

Cancer is one of the most difficult diseases to battle no matter if you are fighting breast cancer or mesothelioma, and those who begin on the long road to recovery from cancer will want to take all steps possible to ease their burden. By incorporating exercise into your daily life as soon as possible, you can improve your odds of success regardless of whether you have been diagnosed with cancer or not.

Friday, April 5, 2013

April Happenings -- Sneak Preview!

         Hold onto your hats!                  

April is busy already! Just a quick mention of some upcoming April happenings:
1. Karma & Kindness posts #3 & #4 (Hi Karen & Tara!)
2. a guest blogger (Welcome Melanie!)
3. a new race sponsor (Thanks Dolan Automotive Group in Reno!)
4. the joys of pacing (Go Annie @ AR 50!)
Stay tuned ...  And, please check back soon!
Happy April!