Every morning in Africa, an antelope wakes up. It knows it must outrun the fastest lion, or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest antelope, or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're the lion or an antelope -- when the sun comes up, you'd better be running. -African proverb

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Untitled Post

Another Bucket List Item
Got a Pacer?
The Ultra Scene

I'm so excited about this post I'm not really sure what to title it.  Maybe the title will come to me after I am done writing ...

First of all, I am very proud of my friend, Jenny, who completed her first 50-miler yesterday.  Way to go, Jenny!  I got the privilege of pacing her the last half of the race.  It was pure awesomeness!  I loved it!  The course was beautiful -- right along Folsom Lake.  The spring flowers and butterflies were out. The weather was perfect. The views were remarkable. We even saw this black beauty -- a cormorant. 

Gotta give props to NorCal Ultras again, too.  What an amazing organization!  The course was very clearly marked.  (Those who have run trails with me know that this is key.)  And, the aid stations were incredible!  It was like showing up to a party every 3-5 miles.  The volunteers were super nice and the food -- talk about a smorgasbord!  I wanted a little bit of everything on the table -- Oreos, lemon cupcakes, hard candy, pretzels, chips, soda.  But, luckily I listened to my stomach, not my eyes, and stuck with the delicious orange slices, pretzels and Gu.  Oh, I had a couple of handfuls of M&Ms, too.

I enjoyed the entire experience -- and I was just a pacer!  The AR 50 is definitely going on my 2013 schedule.  The whole thing.  So, my first thought for a title was something about my bucket list I'm digging the ultra scene, though, and I don't think these races will be just a one-time-only thing.  So scratch bucket list.

Speaking of pacing, that was awesome too!  There's something about being a part of the race without really racing.  I needed a long run this weekend, so why not go somewhere new and beautiful and have fun with some friends.  I'm thinking about pacing for a few other ultras in the Tahoe area this summer.  Anyone need a pacer???  I'm also reading Rachel Toor's book right now.  I just finished the part where she talks about pacing.  It's fun to be able to relate to the book first-hand.  Hence the thought of the pacing title. 

So, are ultras going to be my new thing?  I have really enjoyed my little taste of them lately.  I don't know, though.  The Eugene half is just around the corner.  That's going to be my focus for now.  At least until May!

Still no title ...

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