Every morning in Africa, an antelope wakes up. It knows it must outrun the fastest lion, or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest antelope, or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're the lion or an antelope -- when the sun comes up, you'd better be running. -African proverb

Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 in Review

I love making New Year's resolutions (stay tuned for that post)!  But first, it's time to take a little trip down memory lane and remember the highlights of the past year.  Drumroll, please ...

Top 10 Running Events of 2011:  

10. Roommate Reunion Run   
2011 got off to a fun start!  My college roommates and I ran the Surf City half marathon in Newport Beach.  Not only was it my fastest half in a couple of years, but it was also fun reminiscing with my roomies!   

9. Ragnar & RTO Relays    

Run, Sleep?, Repeat.  Gotta love the 24-hour relays!  I was lucky enough to run on 2 teams last spring.  In April I ran the So Cal Ragnar.  Then I ran the RTO again last June.

8. Tahoe Trail Runs 

Summer took a turn for the best!  I ran some of the most challenging and scenic trails in Tahoe.  I met up with my new Tahoe running friends (see #2) almost every Sunday.  Rach and I also logged some amazing trail runs while we were camping at Nevada Beach.

7. Running Reads   

When I wasn't running, I was most likely reading about running.  Some of my favs were Born to Run and Mile Markers.  I have since added Leadville and Austin to my places to run someday!

6. Book Idea

My book idea was set in motion last spring. After being inspired by Kristin Armstrong (see #7), I started to put some ideas down on paper.  It's far from complete, but someday you might see my name on the shelves of Barnes & Noble!

5. Winning the Big Blue Trail Series 

Consistency is the key!  I only won one Big Blue race (the Emerald Bay Trail Race), but consistently placing in the top 5 landed me a new pair of Salomon trail runners!  But winning isn't everything. ;) I love the Big Blue races!  They are low-key, and the venues can't be beat!

4. 100 Mile Week

Before moving up to my new age group, I completed the challenge of running 100 miles in a week.  We (Thanks for joining me, Karla!) watched my Garmin log 100 miles after an easy 10-miler on the morning of my 40th birthday.  Then we celebrated with a spa day!

3. Half marathon & 5K PRs 

Last fall was very inspiring!  Not only did I PR back-to-back in the half (Bizz & WHM), but I also ran under 22 minutes (also a PR) in the 5K a couple of times (September race & Trick or Treat race).

2. New Running Buddies 

Running loves company, and the Reno running community rocks!  I am so grateful for the new running friends that I made throughout the year.

1. My Blog 

I never thought of becoming a blogger.  Thanks to the WHM for recruiting me and helping me get started!  I have enjoyed it more than I ever imagined and look forward to many more posts.

 Well, that's about it for 2011!  Here's to a fun (and fast) 2012! 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Need a last minute stocking stuffer for a running buddy?  I highly recommend Running the Edge by Adam Goucher and Tim Catalano.


I just started it and love it already!  The dedication page alone hooked me!  It's more than a book; it's a project -- for running and life.  It makes me want to just sit by the fireplace and read all day -- after a nice long run, of course!  But, I am pacing myself because I don't want it to end.

May your Christmas be merry and bright! 
And may you run with heart and might!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Cool News!

Looks like I'll be able to cross another running challenge off my list soon!  I got in to the Way Too Cool 50K! 


Not quite sure how to train for an ultra ...  Just happy to have friends in the same boat -- or on the same trail!  Looking forward to lots of miles with Vicky, Liz, Suzy, Nicole, Christy and anyone else who wants to join us!

If anyone has any ultra tips, please send them my way!  Thanks!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Red-Nosed Fun Run

This was truly a "fun" run for me.  I ran hard the day before (17.7 miles @ 8:15 pace), so I had no intention of racing.  Plus, I showed up about 5 minutes late!  It was still fun just being out there with friends and getting a nice little recovery run in.  The swag was very festive, too!  Check out the ornament everyone received. 

           Reno Running Company scores again!